new thoughts

as one year ends and a brand new one is about to begin I am finding myself pondering, as most of us do, and musing, reflecting on what has been and what is/may be to come.

I used to write down ideas for what i hoped to achieve in the coming year, not ‘resolutions’ as they tend to be things to ‘give up’ eg stop smoking, lose weight and seemed negative somehow and not full of the excitement I always felt at the possibilities of starting anew with a whole brand new year. I would try and write down aspirational but achievable ideas, goals I guess and then put them away until the following year when i would check and see how I had done. Inevitably, there would be areas that got ticked off with a sense of accomplishment, other aspirations that were partially achieved and a few that made it onto the list every year without making much headway.

This year I have been pondering whilst feeling under the weather – a phrase somehow made for Winter and the colds that frustratingly come and linger. Mainly about being more creatively productive. Selecting, making and then selling my prints. Setting up an Etsy store. Reading more art theory. Visiting more galleries and engaging more deeply with the artists and the work. Delving deeper into my musical education (very hit and miss with lots of gaps..)

On a personal level. Continuing and building on my tentative yoga practice. Get back into shape (have done this before but let it slide). Further growth, in particular, working on communication. Develop a mindset of growth and abundance whilst continuing to focus on kindness. Loads of home stuff, new kitchen. update the bathroom. Design landscaping for the garden. Keep a tidy house (!) Declutter and thin out possessions to a manageable level. Give some space for new ideas to germinate.

Support family and friends more. Support the wider community more. Whilst keeping well and practicing self care.

Monitor and reduce time wasted on social media, especially facebook.

How will i do this?

I guess there will be lists, lots of lists. My new phone has a to-do feature on the notebook app. I find this really helpful as I definitely respond well to being able to tick off things I’ve achieved.

Yoga practice. My monkey mind is helped to slow down and focus as well as body and spirit taken better care of if I make time most/every day for maintenance.

I found Yoga with Adriene on Youtube after a friend recommended her and I’ve loved it ever since.

Being kind to myself and allowing flow when it comes and not being too hard when it doesn’t, whilst getting to work as often as I can. I am hopeful of forward motion for myself at least. That is one thing I can work on whilst remaining desperately hopeful for the wider world which just seems so lacking at the moment. I guess it is a matter of perspective!

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